
Meet Little Nefe

Hi everyone!
My name is Nefe and I am an approximately 5-month-old female dachshund. I arrived to SEDR aged approximately 10 weeks of age, and have been in foster since then. I arrived very underweight, and I have a skin condition called CDA (Colour dilution alopecia is a genetic recessive inherited condition that causes patches of hair thinning or loss and may also include flaky and/or itchy skin. The condition is associated with individuals who have what is called “dilute” color, and is most commonly seen in dogs with a blue or fawn coat. While there is no known cure for colour dilution alopecia dachshund dogs can benefit from so far, managing the condition is not that complicated. I do have weekly baths to keep my skin clear, otherwise I become quite itchy and blocked hair follicles. A high quality, natural diet will be key in keeping me in tip top condition!
I am currently in foster in Wadhurst, East Sussex. My new home must be prepared to visit me a couple of times to ensure myself and the resident dog are a good match!
I will be rehomed on a neutering contract, and my new home will need to provide proof that I have been spayed at an appropriate age.
Any resident dogs must be neutered.
I am looking for an adult only home (children scare me!) with at least one resident dog of similar size (ideally another dachshund).
I cannot live with cats.
More Little Nefe

Here's what my foster mum says about me!
So Nefe despite her size knows her own mind. She likes to make sure all the dogs know she is there! She likes to take herself off and find somewhere snuggly if there isn't a lap for her to choose. Or sometimes she chooses one of my dogs to lay on.
She still has a lot of the puppy traits if you aren't watching her. Toliet training is very hit and miss. Chewing is minimal, she will go and select a toy. Puppy biting is pretty much solved just occasionally she gets a bit over the top, and then starts with nipping but we swap out a toy and she's solid.
Lead walking is going well, we are just working on her not getting over excited and hanging off the dog she is walking with!!
She can be a bit wary of meeting dogs on lead and meeting people (especially large men) but it's probably because everyone is huge to her. Once someone gets to her level and offers some affection she instantly warms up.
She find children scary, she met a few at my work and either is terrified or likes to bite their feet if they move to quick!
She gets on with most dogs as long as they are gentle with her and don't get in her space. She can be quite protective of herself (again she likes to make herself known). Another dog will need be tolerant of her climbing all over them. The other dog will need to be quite calm and not too playful as she doesn't like rough/energetic play.
The vets said she is a bit sensitive to any discomfort (they manipulated all her joints and she was fine but pinched her skin a bit to put a needle in and she screamed bloody murder!).
Nefe does have some typical of the breed deformities in her back and front legs. So these can be sensitive if you aren't careful with her. She will need someone who won't let her jump on and off things like sofa's too much or play rough with much bigger dogs as she will easily injure herself.
She sleeps in the kitchen overnight with one of my dogs. Sometimes we hear a few barks at first but she settles quickly. She is quite happy to be left for short periods (up to 2 hours we've done so far).
She is very sweet, and has a big personality. She gets in these hyper moods which we call her Chorizo moments. Where she zooms around the house like a little rocket. My housemate puts her in his hoodie and carries her around the house when she is sleepy which is her favourite place to be. She also loves my dressing gown pocket or just anywhere she can snuggle down but also be involved in what you are doing.
If you think you have the perfect home waiting for little Nefe, please use the link below to complete the application form