Can you help us?
There are many ways for you to get involved with SEDR
Have you seen our appeal to Save South East Dog Rescue?
Announced via Facebook on 2nd January 2025, the South East Dog Rescue is at risk. SEDR founder Kymm wrote her appeal to SEDR supporters far and wide in her own words.
Here's how you can help save our rescue
Bank Transfer
If you prefer to make a payment by BACS, our bank account details are:
Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort: 30-96-31
Account: 49580260PayPal
PayPal SEDR →Alternatively, Paypal is also available but please use ref SAVESEDR and select the "Family and Friends" option.

Shop SEDR merch
You can show your support for SEDR with our merch…where a percentage of all sales is donated to the SEDR dogs. Take a look.
There are SO many ways that you can donate to South East Dog Rescue. Below are a few ideas:
Pop over to PayPal and simply add your amount and click the ‘Donate’ button - you can pay using your PayPal account or card. This can be a one-off payment, or a monthly payment.
Bank Transfer
Pay your donation by bank transfer to our Lloyds Account. Why not set up a monthly payment? It’s so quick and easy and really helps with the daily running costs of the kennels…
- Account Number 4104 7960
- Sort Code 30-96-31
FREE Donations from your online shop
- Turn your everyday online shopping into FREE donations! Raise donations for South East Dog Rescue whenever you shop online via EasyFundraising – Simply click on the link and check out our page
Some other ideas
- Sponsor one of our sanctuary dogs
- Buy some SEDR Merchandise!
- Purchase something from our Amazon Wishlist
- Why not set up your own JustGiving Page and help raise some money at home? We can help you with fundraising ideas, from Skydives to Bake Sales, every little helps! – just drop us a message for ideas and advice.
A HUGE Thank You to everyone past and present for donating and supporting…
Big love and licks,
From the Dogs xxx
Some of the ways to get involved
Volunteer →As we remain committed to helping those dogs most in need, we are always looking to recruit new volunteers to join our team.
Foster →Could you be one of our "Foster Heroes"? Here's the process to apply to Foster for SEDR.